Dev Diary #5 Alchemy and Discovery Crafting

Hi Everyone! This Dev Diary, I wanted to talk a little about one of the things that makes Ravenwood unique and different from other games in the genre, and that is our Lifestyles! Specifically in this diary, I wanted to take a look at our Alchemist Lifestyle, and how there is not one, but two ways to craft in Ravenwood! All of our Crafting Lifestyles, such as Blacksmithing, Alchemy, Tailoring...

Designing the Buildings of Ravenwood

Hey Everyone! This week I wanted to give you a behind-the-scenes peek into the process of designing and creating buildings for Ravenwood. When it comes to bringing a world to life, many parts and pieces need to fall into place to make the world beautiful and believable. A critical aspect is concept art for the buildings that make up the world. Thankfully, to help design and concept all the fa...

Dev Diary #4 Studio Update: Ventures into Equity Crowdfunding

So wow...A lot has happened in the past month since we last updated all you wonderful people. So to recap, in our last studio update, we talked about our partnership with WeFunder and how they let us regular people invest in companies getting a stake in early companies like ours.  The first goal of the campaign? Raise $50,000 as this gives us enough money to finish the vertical slice and gives ...

Dev Diary #3 Studio Update: Chasing Funding

Hey All!So it's that special time of year where we write another dev blog going over some things, and this is the part where I tell you that we are going to be more consistent with this. Then you go, "Yeah yeah, buddy, we have heard that before." Well, this time it's true! Let me tell you why; we, as a studio, have made the scary decision to focus more on our own independent projects. This mean...

Dev Diary #1: Goblin Forge The Start

Hey everyone!My name is Corbin Reeves and I am the game designer here with the Azure Ravens team. In this update, I get the pleasure of talking about our VR game Goblin Forge. Goblin Forge is a VR blacksmithing game that takes place in a medieval fantasy world. You play as the shopkeeper and only blacksmith in a small town. You manage this shop alongside your goblin companions who begrudgingly ...